When you deploy an API, there is usually a proxy involved between your application and the client (one of the most famous technology is NGINX)
Due to some limitations on FastAPI, it is impossible to do path rewriting.
Here is an example :
Let's say you have a serveml
application running and listening on /
Between this application and the client you normally define the proxy route to access to this application.
In this case, we would say that we want to access this application when the route is /api/sklearn_model/v1
The thing is, these routes are not defined in our application, this is where the proxy comes in (in theory) and replaces the routes like this :
- /api/sklearn_model/v1/predict -> /predict
- /api/sklearn_model/v1/feedback -> /feedback
If you want to do that kind of thing, you will have to define these routes on both the proxy and the serveml application
Here is how to do it on serveml
from serveml.api import ApiBuilder
from serveml.inputs import BasicInput
from serveml.loader import load_mlflow_model
from serveml.predictions import GenericPrediction
# load model
model = load_mlflow_model(
# MlFlow model path
# MlFlow Tracking URI
# Implement deserializer for input data
class WineComposition(BasicInput):
alcohol: float
chlorides: float
citric_acid: float
density: float
fixed_acidity: float
free_sulfur_dioxide: int
pH: float
residual_sugar: float
sulphates: float
total_sulfur_dioxide: int
volatile_acidity: int
# implement application
app = ApiBuilder(